Life Book 2017: The Star Girl

This was the main lesson in Week 1:

I took my time with her, but that’s fine. I used gesso and water based markers for her face and hair (I bought Koi Coloring Brush Pen some time ago and wanted to try them out). It worked pretty well and I am quite happy with what I could do with the markers. I made her dress out of washi tape. She was supposed to have a basket full of stars next to her left side, but I did not feel like it and just filled the empty space with some doodles. I am quite proud that I managed to give her hands that actually look like hands.

I know I am terribly late with reading your blogs. I will get to it today and tomorrow, I promise. It looks like I have more time when I am working. That is impossible, but somehow seem to be better organized maybe. Ah well…

I was pretty sad yesterday again thinking about all the things in my life that did not really work out the way I would have liked. I am trying to make peace with the past that cannot be changed and opportunities that were not realized. I know that I must make peace with all that in order to stay healthy and happy, so I am working on it. Whenever negative feelings overcome me I try to repeat some affirmations to counter the negative feelings. I am not sure if they really work or is it just that my mind starts paying attention to affirmations rather than the negative feelings. Whatever it is, it is helping me to go through the day feeling much better and going to bed with the thoughts that the day was a success, which is a step forward definitely.

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